Designed as per API 650 Appendix H & Saudi Aramco 32-SAMSS-005 Appendix H, most effective way of reducing vapor evaporation and VOC’s emission to the atmosphere.
Designed to prevent product loss and atmospheric contamination from Aboveground Storage Tanks as well as provide a weather shield. Seal systems meet or exceed environmental regulations and are custom designed to ensure effective operation in specific tank conditions.
Aluminium Skin and Pontoon Internal Floating Roofs, Stainless Steel Skin & Pontoon Internal Floating Roofs, Hybrid Skin Aluminium/Stainless Steel and Pontoon Floating Roofs & Full Contact Internal Floating Roofs.
The Internal Floating Roof Pontoon type is a floating internal roof and an emission-controlling device suitable for installation into all types of fixed roof storage tanks containing all types of crude and refined products to minimize vapor zone above the stored liquid.
The Internal Floating Roof Full Contact type is a emission controlling device which is completely vapor tight. The purpose of this internal floating roof is removing completely the vapor area and sealing the space above the floating roof, preventing the evaporation lost.
According to API 650 Appendix H standard, Reduces high VOC emissions, Maintenance free, Easy to install, Environment friendly, Compatible with all products stored including 100% aromatics, Lightweight span structure manufactured from Aluminum or stainless steel, Lowest cost solution and short-term payback & Designed for each specific tank.